About us? Well, we were essentially you!


Imagine a typical couple busy for their wedding preparations and having to find out where to buy Guo Da Li gift items! Imagine the extraordinary number of preparations and tasks that had to be done and worked and even reworked upon up to the final day of the wedding ceremony itself! This is no doubt a source of countless headaches and sleepless nights for the young aspiring couple!

We were that couple! A typical wedding comprises of not only wedding shoots and finding the right photographer, choosing the right hotel for the ceremony, or deciding upon the correct dinner or lunch menus… And the lists goes on! You get our point! 🙂

But it is also essential that we do not forget that amongst these preparations we also owe it to our parents and respective cultures to follow some of the laid down traditions in a wedding ceremony! It may be the 21st century, but these same traditional customs and practices have been in our heritage for a few centuries. Our parents, grandparents, and their grandparents and ancestors have been practicing them and it is our duties to also carry out those customs to stay true to our cultural roots and continue that rich heritage that exists in our family trees!

Whilst preparing…

… for our own wedding (as if there ain’t enough things to do already!), it came to our attention that it ain’t easy to procure all the items necessary for ;

  • Guo Da Li (过大礼)
  • Jia Zhuang (嫁妆)
  • An Chuang (安床)
  • Shang Tou (上头)
  • Ying Qin (迎亲)
  • Chu Men (出门)
  • Guo Men (过门)
  • San Zhao Hui Men (三朝回门)

And we had to practically run…

… from one end of Singapore to the other to procure different items that are essential to the different customary practices. Be it the Tan Tong 痰桶 (a 4-piece or 5-piece gift set comprising a mug, a saucer, a basin, a bath basin, and a potty) or the rice and red beans and red umbrella needed during the Chu Men (出门)!

It dawned upon us then, wouldn’t it be great if there was a one stop service to prepare all these items and even have in place the correct wares for the different respective ceremonies by different dialects including Teochew Guo Da Li? ( We made some wrong purchases that did not conform to the traditional rules and raise more than a few frowns from our elders! 😛 )

What if there was a one stop service that could also guide us on the correct practices and ensure that nothing is missed out on the most important day, and that everything runs smoothly that will keep our parents and elders happy?

Where to buy Guo Da Li items? What if there is a one stop service that could take a load off our shoulders after entrusting these crucial duties of preparation of traditional wares essential to these traditional customs? That could leave us with more time to deal with the other facets of the wedding itself!

And so, this is how we came about, your one stop solution…

“Le Knot”